Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 4, 2012

Top 7 SPA’s In The World by British Society Magazine

You may still be in the beginning to mid stages of your business development, but I thought that this week we could take a special look at a beauty business who has shined in the industry to the point of achieving international notoriety. Sure, a lofty goal for those of us poised in a position of day to day work in the nail industry, but still something which ideally we should all be striving for.

This business is Anushka (, located in the United States in West Palm Beach. The British society Magazine “Tatler” ( recently named Anushka the seventh greatest spa in the world, and for good reason. Movie stars from all over the world visit Anushka because they know that the service they will receive is absolutely unparalleled in the industry.

I know what you're thinking. You're wondering what this ultra-successful spa in the United States might have to do with you and the work you are engaged in on a daily basis. Well, let's put it this way. The main difference between what a spa like Anushka is capable of, and what you and I are capable of in our nail art studios is merely one of scale.

The secret to Anushka's success is not expensive therapies or elaborate marketing. No, Anushka, like any successful business, is based on positive customer relationships. In fact, one of the things which makes Anushka so famous, as well as so popular with the stars, is its reliability and its willingness to place the needs of its clients first. For example, Anushka keeps a list of its top 100 clients who each have special access to an exclusive spa hotline on which they can make last minute emergency appointments and get over the phone beauty advice. While you and I might not implement this exact same service in our businesses, we can definitely learn something from this example.

What Anushka accomplishes through this service is client trust. While many of these top 100 clients may never call the emergency hotline, you can bet that they feel pretty special just knowing that they can. This is exactly the kind of thing that you can implement with your own clients, just on a much smaller scale. Establish some sort of network through which your most faithful clients feel like they have special access to you and your services. Of course, this doesn't have to be a 24h hotline! It could be a special discount for loyal customers, or you could reserve half a day every week for last minute appointments for your most faithful.

While we are all dreaming of attaining the level of success that Anushka currently enjoys, there are little things that we can do to improve our businesses each day.

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