Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 4, 2012

How to Protect Your Clients from Infections

Infection from invasive bacteria and other micro-organisms is a serious problem in the nail care industry, and one which should be taken seriously. When working with clients, I always take the utmost precautions in preventing the transmission of unwanted pathogens, and there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't too! This is an essential part of providing top quality nail care, which not only protects your clients' health but the financial health of your business.

You should take special care in this matter if you offer pedicures or other services in which you come into immediate contact with your customer's feet. Unfortunately, feet are a great place for bacteria and other pathogen's to hide, presenting a great problem to pedicurists who use the same equipment on several different customers.

This problem has been of great concern over in the US where many nail care providers have been subject to sizeable fines for failing to take the proper precautions to protect their clients from infection. In the southern state of Arizona, many clients have complained of experiencing health problems after visiting salons with improper health precautions. As many as one third of the salons in Arizona have admitted to paying fines to the authorities as a result.

Here in the UK, we should not fail to take this lesson seriously. If you provide nail care for your clients' toes at your salon or through your mobile nail care business (or even if you don't) it is essential that you take a few precautionary measures:

1. Clean Foot Baths

Always clean foot baths thoroughly after each use, and disinfect by removing all parts of the machine and soaking them at the end of the day. Most of the cases in Arizona we're the result of failing to perform this function properly.

2. Clean All Nail Care Tools

Nail disease can be transmitted through many types of common nail salon tools as well. By disinfecting these tools after each use, you protect yourself and your clients from infection from unwanted pathogens.

3. Always Comply with Local Codes

Find out as much as you can regard UK sanity laws which may have bearing over your situation. If you find that you are not in accordance with any national or local codes, make sure that you get your business in step! You don't want to wait until one of your clients complains and you get fined!

Most nail care technicians in the UK are quite vigilant about the health of their clients, even if there are a few bad eggs out there. It is up to you to always live by the higher standard and make sure that you are offering your clients only the best service in every single way, especially when it comes to their personal health. For myself, this is the only way to do business, and I hope that you will come to the same conclusion yourself. It's the best for you, it's the best for your clients and it's the best for your business.

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